Dec 152014

Best of Baths

This Mash-Up Monday, Cybergirl Khloë Terae joins International models Tunde, Szandra, Angie and Marga for a nice, long soak for Volume 2 of Playboy’s Best of Baths. First up, toned brunette Tunde makes the best of a hand-held shower, while platinum blonde Khloë reminds us why she became CGOM in January ’14. Ukrainian model Angie is so hot, she’s got her bathwater boiling, and Marga Cifuentes takes a late-night bath full of warm, soapy suds. Last but not least, busty European Szandra sprinkles her bath with orchid petals, all the better to pamper herself with. If you love your ladies hot and wet, look no further than these bathing beauties. Clean up with Volume 2 of Playboy’s Best of Baths, only on Playboy Plus.


Best of Baths at Playboy Plus – try 2 day trial for $ 0.95!

Check out also Kristine Simmons, Alissa Arden, Meghan Nicole, Yesenia Bustillo :

Kimber Cox, Lindsey Pelas, Hannah Elizabeth, Jessi Marie

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