Cybergirl of the Month Chanel Elle gets our engines running with this set from photographer Holly Randall. August may be coming to an end, but Chanel knows how to create lasting memories—all decked out in black lingerie, she puts on an eye-popping, heart-stopping performance. Now that’s what we call CGOM. “One of my favorite books is The Great Gatsby, so this was a really cool set to shoot,” says Chanel. “I’d never done pinup before. What do you guys think—am I lucky or what?” Speaking of getting lucky, Chanel’s got some advice for all her fans out there. “I think it’s easy to forget that sex is a pleasure,” she says. “When you’re stressed out, you forget that one of the best reasons to have sex is that it feels good! Relax and have fun!” You heard the lady, guys—kick back with the incomparable Chanel Elle, right here on Playboy Plus.
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