Sep 252016


Emerging from the beautiful city of Warsaw comes Poland’s Playmate of the Year 2014, Anita Sikorska. The tall, all-natural brunette was an instant fan-favorite amongst Playboy’s Polish audience and now with her photos making their way over to the Western side of the world, it’s easy to see why that is. “My photos were taken by photographer Marzena Bukowska-Filuk, who decided to show me in a very natural way, which hit the spot,” says the international beauty in her Eastern European accent. “The session was very well received in Poland, and now abroad.” Show Anita Sikorska some Western miłość—her country’s way of saying love—if you want to see more of the sexy brunette, right here on Playboy Plus.


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 Posted by at 12:16 pm  Tagged with: Anita Sikorska

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